Nicola Samorì



Neglected, abandoned, forgotten women. A series portraits, mostly female, constitutes the fulcrum of this book on Lucìe, the project by Nicola Samorì exhibited at Mart in Rovereto. 

Working between Mannerism and Informal Art, Samorì destroys figuration, erases it, literally dis-figures it, engaging in a fight with the history of painting and a confrontation with representation, challenged by the pictorial matter. His subjects are altered, deformed by the artist, who uses this material to form (or destroy) physical connotations, expressions, and entire body parts.

Lucia, to whom the exhibition is dedicated, is present in many forms: Samorì beheads her, blinds her, dazzles her, even stabs her neck with a paintbrush. The artist’s intervention also includes other women, using paint to deform them and to change the perception of the viewer, who is constantly forced to wonder what the meaning of this butchery is. Samorì does not give his subjects any rest, he tortures them but doesn’t allow them to die. He comes as close as possible to death, imposing on his characters an endless suffering, because it is precisely in the deepest pain, in the eternal resistance, that the pathos of this works is manifested.

The book presents sixty color reproductions of Nicola Samorì’s works, accompanied by critical essays by Vittorio Sgarbi and Denis Isaia.

  • 11 x 17 cm
  • 140
  • IT / EN
  • 2021
  • 978-88-8056-134-7